
I've been wanting to get back into bag making, but I just can't find the inspiration. I'm not really happy with the one I have (bag #3), and I'd like to make a new one! I think if I had a bit of new fabulous fabric, that would probably do the trick! Anyway, here are some that I've made before, and sold in a consignment store.  As usual, I didn't use a pattern, so some of them I loved, some of them, eh...not so much. :o)

I have an idea for some pillows for my daughter's bed, but I need felt for them and I can't buy it right now. Don't you hate that? It's killing me!!


  1. can you do a tutorial of #2 or #3

  2. I think I can swing that! I should have it up within a few days.

  3. Oh I love number 2! I would pay money for that! So cute. Thanks for blogging. Love your site, and love that you love Jesus!

  4. Wow- You do beautiful free-handed work. Nicely done! Looking forward to the tutorial! : )

  5. All such beautiful bags! Great gifts to give :) Will you have tutorials coming soon on all of these bags? Great Christmas gifts for all the girls in my family.


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