Some New Ladies!!

I made a few more necklaces to add to the shop! I think "Duchess" is my favorite, because it reminds me of something in a J. Crew store. I really want to keep it!

Sometime soon I'd like to get into bracelets and earrings, too, but I just don't have the time right now! Maybe when my daughter moves out :o)

P.S.. I already sold two necklaces!! Isn't that exciting?! It makes me so giddy to think that someone out there is wearing something I created. What a wonderful thought!


  1. Hi! I just wanted to tell you how much i love your blog! I found it last night and spent some time going through your archives. You are soo creative! I love the things you sew your darling daughter! Can't wait to see what else you come up with!

    jessica :D

  2. I really like "Debutante". I think it's my favorite.

    You are so talented. I love seeing what else you are going to come up with. By the way, you are also adorable. I love the pictures of you with the gloves from the previous post.

  3. wow these are beautiful! I don't blame you wanting to keep some of these for yourself, and duchess is also my fave from the pictures here =)

  4. So, so pretty!! I'm going to check the store front out ;)

  5. The Debutante is divine!

  6. Beautiful jewelry
    love the top two best.


    barbara jean


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