
I have a project/tutorial that I did today that I'm awfully excited about! :o)
I need to wait until tomorrow to take decent pictures of the finished product, but it involves

this fantastic ribbon....
And this gorgeous faux minky fur. Yum!

Anyway, I'm just in a particularly good mood, for no particular reason, and I wanted to say that I hope your guys' week is just going splendidly!! :o)
Take care!


  1. Glad you're having a fantabulous week! and I can't wait to see the tutorial...such rich fabric and extravagant ribbon! x

  2. Hey, who needs a reason to be in a good mood? Can't wait to see your completed project.

  3. Thanks for the sweet post...I hope you are having a great week as well and I can NOT wait to see what you've made. You know you have a few hundred of us itching to see what you've done now :)

  4. Ooooo...Can't wait to see what it is :) PS....once you learn to shirr, you will be hooked for life!!!!! here is a good tute on it:

  5. Hey! I have that same ribbon... can't wait to see what you do with it.

  6. ...and chocolate brown happens to be my favorite color!

  7. I can't wait! You are so creative...thanks for all the sources of inspiration.

  8. I can't wait to see what you're making with those lush browns!

  9. So cute! I just love ALL of your ideas!! And yes please feature my ruffle jeans I would love it!


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