Why Are All the Cute Things.....

Too difficult to make??
(all images from Modcloth)

Just doing a little dreaming this evening. :O)

Have a lovely day. I hope you're ready to start your week all fresh and smiley! :o)


  1. They are hard to make because the designers are trying to keep people like us from copying them.

    But hey, if there's a will, there's a way. And there's DIY.

  2. I've just discovered that trench coats aren't that hard! :) Thanks for the lovely selection.

  3. Hi,
    I adore your Blog.
    I like your little selection of great clothes. The short pants in the bottom right, remind me of a entry in a Blog I discovered a little while. They are for kids though...
    Here is the link:
    Have a good day

  4. aside from the shoes there are only two things I don't see doable (for me, or you). I think you'd be surprised.

  5. Disney,
    Dont' sell yourself short. Other then the shoes you can make all of them. You are so talented that's why I love reading your blog.


  6. Super cute stuff. It's fun to dream sometimes huh! I think some of that is somewhat doable...maybe :o)

  7. I think that blue skirt with the buttins could be easily made from a mens button-down shirt from the thrift store or something...

  8. Love your style! I think I'd wear/try to make everything you have featured here if I could:) Have a lovely week, hope yours is as sunny as ours!

  9. I think the gray sweater with lace could easily be done! Wild guess here but I think you only need a sweater some lace sisorss and lots of hand sweing. Ill give it a try.

  10. I agree with Jessica! You can make this stuff except maybe the shoes and the tights from scratch. :) Happy day to you pretty lady!

  11. cute stuff IS hard to make, I agree. And since I am new to the sewing world I have yet to make something really impressive. Some day though =)

  12. Whatever, dude. You could totally rock it. ;)

  13. Its all in the technique. sewing several techniques together makes one awesome piece of clothing.

  14. Here's a cute tutorial that shows how to make a cardi w/ lace. I'm going to try it out.

  15. You are so talented...I am sure that you could make a lot of these. :) It is just finding the time that is the difficult part.

  16. The button-down skirt on the second photo... it looks like something you can make using an man's large button down shirt. And the sweater with lace also on the second photo, I remember seeing something like that somewhere, a blog... I can't remember which one. It's something like sewing lace on top the sweater and then lining it with trim. I'm sure you can whip up something that pretty in no time :)

  17. Ha. Those are really cute things. Nice selection. :)

    - Danielle

  18. awww :( i love modcloth.com its a little expensive so i wish i could just make it all :( i know how you feel disney

  19. I saw that postcard clutch/wallet online and thought the exact same thing. Too adorable, love it! Maybe you could make it with image transfers on fabric. Or paint and lots of patience.

  20. You could totally do these! Come on - you're our inspiration. We believe in you. :) I've spent all week daydreaming about what tank tops I can refashion with ruffles. (Once I figure out my sewing machine.)

  21. I decided last week that I WOULD start sewing again ... and I've already sewn 2 tops for me and 2 dress refashions for a little girl! Wow, I'm on a roll. Your pictures reminded me to just 'get to it'! ;)
    Heres a little help for that pink floral dress.
    Lovely inspiration.
    Oh, and I actually have a pattern {Butterick?} almost identical to that tan long dress ... so, go look around, you could probably find some awesome patterns! :)

  22. You so could make like everything on here! Well, except maybe the shoes and panty hose (unless you have some hidden talents we don't know about? lol).

  23. Please Help Me!! I can't find the carousel dress pictured :( Can you send me a bigger pic or link?

  24. Well thanks for your vote of confidence, guys! :o) That's really sweet of you. Maybe the problem is more not having the "ingredients" to cook up cute things like that! In order to cover a grey cardigan with lace we have to have grey cardigans, huh. And then there's the time thing. But I did whip up something today! I'll share it tomorrow hopefully.
    P.S. Lindsey, here's the link to the dress:

  25. Found the perfect tutorial for the blue skirt here:


  26. Your photos are beyond beautiful!!

  27. you can download patterns and you can also but them. You could also learn pattern dreafting and that would enable you to make absolutely anything. Burda is a good and fairly inexpensive pattern magazine!

  28. I saw a pair of shorts similar to the silver satin shorts on burda ! They are super cute I find the bursa pattern instructions kinda lacking sometimes though!


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