Someone's Peeking...

Someone's peeking out of my tomato plants right now...

 Our naughty little neighborhood bunnies. :o) At first I was ready to go all Mr. McGregor on them, but then I realized: hey, why not just share? There's enough for a couple of extra little mouths.

Besides...can you blame 'em?

Hope you're having a lovely day today!


  1. Such a cute bunny! By the look of those tomatoes, I'd say you made his day :)

  2. More pics of the cute little thing! And you grow beautiful tomatoes in your garden! Way to go, Disney!!

  3. That tomato picture is so striking! And the bunnies, SO MUCH FUN!!! I found a turtle in my garden one year. It was so bizarre. I carried it down to the pond below us and set it on the bank. I kind of wish it were still around. Bunnies would be good, too! Lovely garden, Disney!

  4. I am glad you shared with them. I was looking into my brothers garden which he had boarded up like Fort Know to keep out the country critters and a tiny little bunny ran across my foot to get into the fence to keep away from the dogs. I looked into the fenced garden and saw a well fed ground hog looking at me! I just had to laugh! Sweet post!

  5. What a cute little bunny :). I love love love your blog!

  6. Bunnys don`t like everything.They eat only the best Tomatoes and when I look at your picture I will say you have the best Tomatoes in Town.This Year we have a very rainy summer in NorthGermany.All the Fruits and Vegetables dont look so good as yours(sorry for my terrible English:-)))))I live in the city of Hamburg an we have a lot of Bunnys too in the Parks.I found it`s nice to share the Tomatoes with him♥EVELYN♥

  7. I'm SO jealous right now.

    ...Of the tomatoes and of the bunnies.

  8. @Evelyn, your English amazing! Not terrible at all. I'm super impressed (and jealous that you know another language!)

    hmm...I think I may have a jealousy issue after my last two comments.

  9. Aww! Bunnies are so cute! Such lovely fresh tomatoes! :D :)

  10. oh too cute. we usually have deer in ours and yes i totally go gregor on them! but i have to admit we lose way more veggies to the kiddo's. just last night i lost 4 (green) tomatoes to my 1 year old. oh well, luckily the pigs enjoy them:) beautiful tomatoes!

  11. The bunny is so cute!!
    That reminds me of when I lived at home with my parents. I was getting ready for work one morning and I heard something outside of my bedroom window. I looked out to see a baby deer eating right under my window.It was so cute ^_^

  12. Oh my, goodnight! sooo cute! and I could totally bite into one of your beautiful tomatoes right now...yum!

  13. I heart tomatoes. And bunnies. Annnnnd you. Just sayin'. :)

  14. AW! this reminds me! i saw a set of peter rabbit tea cups in home goods a few weeks ago... totally shoulda scooped it up. i forgot how much i loved it when i was little :]

  15. My middle daughter ADORES bunnies!!! She wants one for a pet, but we have so many that wander the empty field behind our house and peek out of the blackberry bushes, that I just tell her to enjoy those. Besides, I think our two dogs would terrorize any pet rabbit. But she loved this post!!! Thanks (AGAIN!!).

  16. Oooooh! So lovely!!! Peter Rabbit is visiting your garden ;-)
    I hate Mr McGregor, and you're so right : there are tomatoes enough for everybody ;-)


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