Sometimes You Go Crazy...

Ya know what I mean?

A couple of weeks ago we got a call from the foster care peeps asking if we could take a 7 month-old baby boy until the 26th while his current FM is out of state. We were like: "Um, we have a 2 month-old right now, so...neh." My husband told me he'd buy me a mocha if I was the one to call back and say no, so I did. (Because, coffee.) At least I should say, I did CALL...I forgot about the "say no" part. Yikes! (What was he thinking having me be the one to call? He knows I can't ever say no!)

So now we have a 7 month old. And a 2 month old. At the same time. For three weeks.

Sometimes you go crazy, guys.  I've already cried twice. That's like my yearly cry quota in one week! And in the back of my mind while I'm taking care of these little guys (and Paige!) I keep thinking about you guys and how you must think I died or something. So sorry to leave you hanging! I have been crafting behind the scenes too, when I can, but it's for stuff that won't be out until January.

Sorry about being MIA, I'll be back soon!! Wish me luck. :O)



  1. You're amazing! Lots of love and prayers for you and yours.

  2. Thank you for loving on those precious littles. What You are pouring into their lives will last for eternity. Lean into Him for strength for the next moment. And, you should still TOTALLY get the mocha!!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that God is blessing little ones through your love. That makes me happy! I wish I could bring a mocha to you! Don't worry about the blog, we'll all be here when life slows down. You're doing the most important thing right now! Love on those littles for all of us :)

    1. AMEN! Couldn't have said it better myself. Those babies are MUCH more important than a bunch of grownups, you keep doing what you're doing, and the rewards will follow -- if not in this life, then the next one!

  4. Sending prayers your way!
    Good luck! ;)

    - I s a @ Head Red + Blondi

  5. Oh, how i can relate. When we fostered, we didn't have children yet. As we adopted our oldest I got pregnant with our youngest. But before all that, we had our oldest who was still our foster child and another little boy. I think she was 9 months and he was 12 months. You saw lots of tears come out of me too. It was so hard. But I thank God that He sifted me through that time. It made me depend more on him and not myself which is what I do CONSTANTLY. And I never could say no either. :) xoxo

  6. You are an amazing and loving couple! I will say extra prayers for you the next 3 weeks, but how fortunate those babies are to be able to be loved on.

  7. Your kind of crazy is the kind more people should visit. The helpful, loving, king of crazy.

  8. Wow!! You're amazing!! God is blessing two sweet little kids through your life and service!! Hang in there and know that we'll be ready whenever you come back to the blogosphere!

  9. You're doing so much for those two babies (and for Paige)! You do not have to apologize to us :)

  10. Disney, you are amazing and inspirational. Your heart is 10 sizes too big! I hope everything goes well, take care. <3

  11. Good luck! You are amazing! You can do it, the boys are lucky to be in a family like yours right now.

  12. God bless you! You are a true hero!

  13. Wow! You and your loving family amaze me! I can only imagine the impact this is having on Paige - seeing love in action as you take in and care for those little babes! <3 Lots of prayers!

  14. What an incredible gift you're offering all these children. It's ok to cry, sometimes it's really good for you to let it all out.

    I have a three year old and a one year old and even though they are the loves of my life, I still cry (now and then and not in front of them). Just know you're not alone.

    This probably a bit personal but I've being considering Fostering (here in Australia) and it would be great if you could maybe talk about your experience and how you and your family have found it. Totally understand if you'd rather not but if you'd be interested, there are definitely people like me out there that would love to hear your story.

  15. I'm terrible at saying no too. Prayers for your family. You're doing wonderful things for these children.

  16. Praying for you! Two babies and sweet Paige... I bet those were tired tears you cried! You have a whole cheering squad here, praying for you and waiting to hear how you're doing when you've got space to breathe and then a little more time to blog. :)

  17. Oh man!! 2 babies?! I'll keep you in my prayers hon (^_^)
    On a serious note though I believe God gives us strength when we're truly doing something good but feel as if we can't make it. So, I'm sure you'll be fine. When it's all over, you can take a nice long nap. We'll be here when you get back so don't sweat it (^_^)

  18. You are such a wonderful person! Thank you for being such a wonderful example to us all(:

  19. Disney, how wonderful you and your husband are to take in those little bubs! Don't worry about your blog or getting any craftwork done. What you are giving to those little ones is much more important.

    God bless and I pray that he will give you the strength and patience you both need to cope with two littlies so close in age...even if it is only for three weeks!

  20. Aw Disney, you're so awesome. Hang in there during those sleepless nights, you are doing such wonderful work being mama to those two little guys and one awesome little gal too. Maybe Paige can blog for you while you nap. ;)

  21. That sounds like a handful for sure. But think of the memories and the good that comes with this. And it definitely gives some inspiration for your daughter as she grows up and sees her parents as such good role models!

  22. All the good things you do... I'm such a fan!! Keep it up!

  23. What a wonderful thing to do! God bless

  24. Please do not think you HAVE to post here ! Taking care those children is a good and important thing. We'll be there when you have the time to come back, don't worry !^^

  25. Miss you Disney, but how on earth do you have time for crafting? I have trouble finding time to wash my hair and I just have a 1 1/2 year old!

  26. You are amazing! Prayers for you during this time, for rest and energy!

  27. I came for The Good Life Blog after hearing about your situation.
    You're definitely in my prayers! What a sweet place for those children to be.


  28. There is nothing better for a little one than someone who knows the abundant grace and love of God and shares it with them. Even when patience is on short supply... :) But that is Grace isn't it?

  29. Well, I don't believe in luck, but I am praying for you! (for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness and self-control!!)

  30. Ahh! I would be going crazy too! If there is anybody that can make it, you can! Just give extra loves to those babies, and Paige, and don't worry about the blog. We understand, and support you in what you're doing. I'll keep you guys in my prayers for sure!

  31. Whew! That is a lot. Those babies are way more important than this. We'll still be here when you get back. Enjoy the precious moments. And breathe deeply when everyone needs you at once. Doing your best is good enough!

  32. Thank you, I was a temporary foster child 60 years ago, life is good.

  33. Youre amazing!!!
    Because I admire you so, When you have time- sneak a few pics of the room the baby is sleeping in- I LOVE nurseries!!! & you are just so amazing. ;)
    Best of luck!!!

  34. Youre amazing!!!
    Because I admire you so, When you have time- sneak a few pics of the room the baby is sleeping in- I LOVE nurseries!!! & you are just so amazing. ;)
    Best of luck!!!

  35. Um, good luck! You must be so tired and overwhelmed! Hang in there.

  36. Oh my goodness you must be exhausted. Praying that you have the strength to keep up with the littles and your own family. You are an amazing lady!!

  37. Oh my goodness, who is more important?! Definitely those babies. God bless you and give you peace, joy, and stamina.

  38. Will pray for you and those babies. What a blessing you are to them

  39. As a gramma of 2 amazing little ones who arrived in our family as foster kids (one now adopted and one in the process) I can relate from watching my daughter and her family adjust to the instant growth of their family. It brings out ALL different emotions, tears, laughter, joy, surprise, etc. Enjoy all your children first - everything else can wait.

  40. Sounds like a tough three weeks. Blessings to you for committing and sacrificing for the sake of a sweet 7 month old. You are a truly amazing person!!

  41. What you're doing is WAY more important then crafts and a blog etc... God Bless you!
    no need to worry about blog-land we'll be here when you get back :)

  42. Good luck with those little boys! hope they are treating you well:) in case of doubt think about all this nights when you will be able to get good rest! x

  43. Like everyone else has said, what you are doing right now is do much more important than blogging. Praying for you!

  44. Good luck. you will manage. I am a mum of twin girls, and i often thought I would not survive the next day on no sleep, but i did and so will you :-). And it's ok not to blog for a while, or not to clean the house super perfect or only cook one warm meal a day etc...
    you are doing a great job for your family.

  45. I've been there! We ended up adopting two - men should totally be the ones to deal with the case workers;-) Good one you for you caring for the baby!

  46. Foster carers rock - more power to you! :-)

  47. Your heart is in the RIGHT place. God is using you for a mighty special purpose! What love you will give these sweet little ones that they might not have had otherwise. <3

    Don't worry about your readers... we all love you and will be here!

  48. Gah! Stupid internet lost my post! I don't feel like rewriting it - so suffice it to say, as a foster mama myself, I can totally empathize with the crazy. If you ever wanna chat or co-miserate or co-glorificate or co-beexcited, hit me up! I love talking about fostering and my kids!

  49. I was wondering what you were up to :) God bless you and your family <3

  50. I was wondering what you were up to :) God bless you and your family <3

  51. Oh Disney! You are so inspiring! I wish we could see those precious babies. ;) I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  52. Hey, never say no to kids) You are giving and receiving twice more love from now on. Lucky you are. I can imagine what will be in winter…

    I dream to be so fussy like you are someday soon))) Don’t be sorry for anything, we’ll wait for January anyway ;)


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