Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!! Paige wanted me to curl her hair today. :o) She is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. We don't usually get dressed up for easter but this year we did, just for fun. You should have seen the boys!! I wish I could have taken pictures to show you. Khakis and suit jackets and bow ties-ugh! So adorable. After church we went to the home of some great friends where I saw the most beautiful food I've ever seen/smelled/not tasted in a loooong time. :O) I may have licked the potatoes...a little.

I love, love Easter. I'm almost thinking of making it my favorite holiday. I got to explain to the kids in bible class this morning about how Easter celebrates the greatest event in human history. Can you raise yourself from the dead? Me either. But God can. And He did. For us.
I can't even wrap my mind around that.

Have a wonderful start to your week!! Yay, Monday!


  1. I just want to say - YOU brighten my day! Thank you so much for being such an awesome blogger and person in general. :)


  2. She's beautiful. Love the long curls!

    Have a lovely day. xx

  3. What a lovely photo of Paige, Disney! She is certainly beautiful. Yes, Easter is such a wonderful celebration.I hope you had a wonderful day.

    Have a great week.

    Chel from Australia

  4. She is truly beautiful! Blessings to ya all. ~x~ Tasneem and family

  5. Paige, you look beautiful. Hugs!

  6. Paige IS beautiful! What do you do at those times, when you know you won't be able to eat the food that is presented? Do you bring something along that you can eat, eat a snack on the way, or... what? It must be a challenge, but I'm sure that your friends and family would want you to be fed, too!

    1. I usually just bring my special cleanse drink along with me or drink it right before I go. It stinks to not eat because I know it probably makes people a little incomfortable, but at lease I've only got a couple of days left! :)

  7. Gorgeous hair! Easter is my favorite holiday. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter.

  8. Beautiful!! You need to frame that pic of Paige! I'm glad you had a great day : )

  9. Oh My. That face, that hair, such beauty. She has grown up so much during your blogging years, she's not a little girl anymore. She has turned into a young lady. Well done Disney, you did that.

  10. lovely photo of Paige, have a wonderful Easter.


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